Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Critic vs Master

Okay so my church has been doing this series and the last two sermons have been about what a master does and a critic does.  During the first sermon I first though to myself "Oh I'm closer to a master than a critic"  but little did I know I was far from right.  Throughout the second sermon, I finally had a wake up call and realized that I had been a complete moron during the last service.  I am a critic!  that was the conclusion that I came to.  The difference between a critic and a master is kinda like this.  Brett Favre is a master.  He plays the game of football with such expertise and everyone admires him.  Whereas a critic is someone who reads books and does everything short of playing professional football and then points out the things that Brett Favre has done wrong.  I'd say I'm more of a critic but I'm a critic of masters of life not just of football.  I'm constantly critiquing something that someone has done wrong and feeding off of that saying to myself "Oh I wouldn't have made that decision!  I wouldn't have done that." How do I get from critic to master?  I know where I am but how do I get to being a master?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Don't Just Swallow What I'm Saying

Hey I just thought of something.  When I put this stuff out on my blog I don't want you guys to just agree because it sounds sensible.  I want you to use God's Word to test it and probe it to make sure I'm not making erroneous blog posts.  If I'm wrong, then I'd like to know so I can take that blog post off my blog I want it to be true to The Word.  And although most of the time I make sure my blog posts are true, I'm extremely human and I make many stupid mistakes!  So don't just swallow what I'm saying.  Comment on the stuff I've left out and stuff I'm just plain wrong on.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Okay guys what do you guys thing I should be looking for in people to help with Travels of a Teen?  I mean sure I could ask any old person but then this blog would become something totally stupid that no one would want to read.  what should the regulations be???


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  That's the way my life's been for the last I don't know how long.  Anyways I'm sooooooo sorry that I haven't blogged forever even after I promised to blog again!  Like I said I've been really busy and most of the time I don't even think about blogger at all.  but I think I'll be able to bring it back if I can form a team to do the upkeep and help brainstorm ideas to blog about.  I have no idea who the team's members are going to be but I know I need some help!