Long time since I posted? Yes. Busy? Yes. Anyways. This whole Osama bin Laden has really caused a stir amongst many people. Some of these people are rejoicing over bin Laden's death while others are mourning this man. I can't help but feel pity for him for being a wanted man for so long and not being able to show his face just anywyere for so long! However, many have made comments that cause people to question what justice is. This in itself isn't bad, however some people take it so far as to say maybe since Osama's "justice" might have been killing all those people. I have become more and more enamored with the Bible recently and have realized its strength and potency as a tool and rule as how to live. I find myself constantly thinking I should look in my concordance and see what the Bible says about this. As these comments keep popping up, I keep finding more need to do so. After much thought throughout the day, I have come to an extremely shaky conclusion that the Lord does not delight in the death of a human being (this part is not shaky) however he did mourn for the loss of so many people in 9/11 thus he saw what bin Laden did. I do know that he loves this man despite his misdeeds against Him and what He says in His Word the Bible. I also know however that the Lord's Justice is Mercy and Love. We must love Osama bin Laden and not celebrate his death since that is God's Justice despite bin Laden's massecre of thousands which to him was justice. I also know that we do not go on pure thought and reflection to learn what right and wrong are. I do know that God gave us His word the Bible to guide our lives so we can live with a clue of his standards. however, this is an extremely grey area because we are talking of the field of death which only God is an expert in. Thus, I believe one may be saved on his or her deathbed so Osama bin Laden may have comitted himself to the Lord before he died which leaves him in heaven despite all of the people dead and I do believe God would welcome him with open arms into heaven had the commitment been sincere.
On to what I've been noticing. Throughout the course of a couple months, especially during these last two days since Osama bin Laden's death, I've noticed that many people make unfounded opinions based upon their own strength and not God's. I've seen this in friends and some well known pastors. They will say something like the whole justice issue I mentioned earlier and other things also. I am constantly wondering why some of these things matter and other I am realizing these unfounded opinions can cause huge damage. however, I do not want to be a pharisee and declaim something true. So I've been testing more and more of what I've heard with the Bible. In Mark 4:24,25 the passage says: "Consider carefuly what you hear," He continued. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you -- and even more. Whoever has will be given more ; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. My take on this is that we should be careful of what we hear. To not automatically accept it and just be happy campers for the rest of our lives.
I'd love to hear (or read) thoughts!
I agree whole-heartedly. Well, said, Hunter. :-)