Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Big Red Button

The Big Red Button... if you think about it is kinda like sin. We see it and our friends tell us that is sooo cool and so maybe we want to try it but the Holy Spirit sends up red flags all over the place. We can't resist doing it and we end up wasting part of our life and in real life sin against God. Just like the Big Red Button tempts us to push it satan makes sin look pretty cool by getting our friends to tell us its cool and stuff. While being tempted isn't sin giving in to temptation is so listen to the Holy Spirit. What sin is Satan tempting you to do?


  1. Awesome post Hunter!
    Really good message.


  2. Very Cool! Yeah, I agree with you. I found my self pushing and wondering 'Will it end?' and I wanted to stop, but I just kept going. You showed me that we have to STOP and think, 'I need to STOP'

    Thanks. :]


    p.s. Could you follow my blog, please? :}

  3. Great post, Hunter. Super true.

    Wasn't yesterday a BLAST? :D

