Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Letting God Work Through Us

Well I finally got a post idea. Its letting God work through us.

When Jesus called the disciples to follow Him they were lowly sinners in the Jewish society not a Rabbi. They were humble Fisherman or worse off Tax collectors (who were viewed as really bad sinners). Before I continue I'm going to describe what it normally takes to become a disciple.

There are three stages of school that a disciple would go through. first there was school for mostly everyone from about age 5-8 and they would have to memorize the Torah the Torah is the first five books of the bible thats Genesis, Exedous, Levitcus, Numbers, and Deuteronemy. Thats roughly 280 pages of the bible by heart they were like a living Torah. Then there was the second stagewhich was from about ages 9-14 now there were not as many students because by then some of them were learning the family trade. (I might not have the ages correct but they're close) and after this period the students would have the entire Old Testament by heart. Thats about 2,000 pages. (a living Old Testament!) Following that there was a third stage and by then most of the students were off learning their trade...but...the best of the best of the best would go on to fond a Rabbi that they wanted to be like. Then when a Rabbi would come into town that they wished to follow they would go to the Teacher and ask to be their disciple. Then the Rabbi would just drill him with questions and if the Rabbi thought this guys good...but he doesn't have what it takes to follow me. Then the Rabbi would say to him you're good but you don't have what it takes to follow me. So the student would try to find another Rabbi or begin learning the family trade. But if the Rabbi thought, "This guys got it!" then he would say, "Come follow me," This is what it means to be a disciple

Now Jesus' disciples probably only went through the first stage of education so for Jesus to say "Come follow me" is HUGE but the reason He did it was because God works through the humble people that are open to what God has for them much more than the proud who've got it going and think they don't need Him. We need to be willing to let God work in us for his greater purpose, we need to do the big and little things that goes against the grain that he wants us to do. Lets try to do that!


  1. Great Post, cya tommorrow, and friday, and saturday, and sunday, hahaha


  2. Another awesome post with a great message!!!
    Keep It Up!!!


  3. Thanks guys! There's a video that I'm going to post that'll go with it so be sure to watch it!


  4. I know that already because we go2 the same church, but yeah. it is quite cool
    Cya tommorrow friday and sunday.

  5. Great, great, great post!

    Cya tomorrow.


  6. Very inspiring. It does says, speaking about children, that the kingdom of the heavens belongs to such as these.
    I liked this post. =)

  7. Seriously, that was one of my favorite posts.

    Keep it up. :D

